Elissa Kast
Rochester, New York will always be my home town, but I love living in Florida. Leaving a career as a Court Clerk in Farmington, NY, Jerry and I moved to Gainesville, Flordia to attend Florida School of Massage. In addition to the massage curriculum, I completed the Sports Massage Training Program and received certification in Sports Massage. Graduating in 1994, I received National Certification in Massage & Bodywork and I am a licensed massage therapist in Florida and New York and have practiced in both states for over 25 years.
As a a certified sports massage therapist, I have been a member of the Tampa Bay Chapter (FSMTA) and the Florida Chapter Sports Massage (AMTA) teams. In 2002, Jerry and I had the exciting opportunity to be members of the AMTA Sports Massage Team and work with the athletes at the 2002 Salt Lake City Olympics/Paralympics games.
Jerry Konrad and I currently operate “Alive, Aware & Well – A Wellness Enterprise” in Clearwater, Fl.
Integrating treatments specifically tailored to the needs of each individual I work with, I offer Cranio-Sacral Therapy, TMJ, Myofascial Release, Neuromuscular Therapy, Reflexology, Stretching and more.
I continue to expand my knowledge and skills through further education to enhance the work that I love doing so much!
Jerry Konrad
A Vietnam Veteran with an Honorable discharge from the Marine Corps, I returned to Rochester with no real direction known. One day in early 1970, I took the Rochester Police Department police exam, and in July entered the Rochester Police Department (RPD) Recruit Training Academy. January 1991, I retired as a Sergeant after a great career with assignments in road patrol, tactical unit, swat, communication unit, research & development section and training section.
While in the training section I was given an assignment to develop physical fitness standards and fitness training for in service personnel. This assignment gave me the opportunity to attend the Cooper Institute of Aerobic Research (Dallas, Texas) and John Jay College (NY, NY), Further, I was trained as a Peer (stress) Counselor with the Critical Incident Response Unit, where we responded to assist Officer involved in critical incidents.
After retiring from the RPD, I was self-employed as a training consultant offering health and fitness, tactical training to law enforcement and corrections agencies, departments of social services, military services and private corporations.
In 1993, during a lake effect snowstorm, Lisa and I left Rochester for Gainesville, Florida to start our education & training in massage therapy at the Florida School of Massage. After graduation, we received National Certification and are Massage Therapists with Licenses from the State of Florida and New York and have since practiced in both states.
As a certified sports massage therapist, Lisa and I were a member of the Tampa Bay Chapter (FSMTA) and the Florida Chapter (AMTA) Sports Massage Teams. In 2002, we had the exciting opportunity to be members of the Sports Massage Team and work with the athletes at the 2002 Salt Lake City Olympics & Paralympic games.
We currently operate,” Alive, Aware & Well – A Wellness Enterprise,” in Clearwater, Florida, we offer several modalities of Massage and Body Work Therapies and Active Stretching & Strengthening. Our client base ranges from: Professional, college, elementary/high school and week-end warrior athletes – occupational athletes and anyone who is trying to improve their everyday functional fitness & pain free activities.